Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day

What a wonderful day to be a father! I woke up to my beautiful wife and daughter smiling like they always do. Leslie made a killer breakfast of Eggs Florentine... yum. We got to church where Aubrey finally embraced nursery, haha... she didn't fuss at all when I dropped her off and ran right over to the toys and the other girls to have fun. I love that little stinker. During the first talk of sacrament meeting she kept saying "Amen" and looking around.

There is a man in the ward probably in his 60s by the name of Jim Bleak (blake) who she just adores. While walking up to the church she says "Jim" over and over again. She just looks at him and smiles and will often run over to him and hop up on his lap and just hang out for a while. He and his wife Annelle are amazing people and we sure do enjoy their taking to Aubrey.

I taught the young men about clean thoughts and speach today... they are hilarious and total space cadettes. We had a great discussion and then one of the boys, Christian Correia, asks a question completely opposite of what we were talking about. Oh well, it happens too much to care, funny kid.

Leslie surprised me today with our first ever camcorder! I love it! She called my co-worker Nick Guido the other day and figured out what camera she should by for us. He is a smarty pants when it comes to technology and she was so smart to talk to him first and figure out what was worth spending that money on. Here is a pic of it:

Now all we need is a memory card to get this baby recording. I feel terrible that we have a bunch of short, low-quality videos of Aubrey and she's almost 2 years old. I need to get more action of her before the little stink bug grows up and we miss out on these memories.

I had a great week at work and it has never been busier. It was ARUP's 25th Anniversary and I had my hand in a lot of stuff including the ARUp yearbook, photo contest, award ceremony and other stuff. Friday night, June 19, was our work party/carnival and it was Aubrey's first taste of cotton candy and the giant bounce slides... she was ecstatic and we loved watching how happy she was.

Leslie had a brilliant idea while we were leaving. We got Aubrey a snow cone without the flavoring so really it was a giant mound of ice that Aubrey just loved snacking on... all without the worry of staining, haha. Leslie is such a smarty to come up with little fixes like that.

Saturday morning I got up at 4:45 in the a.m. to head to Talons Cove golf course out by Utah Lake in Saratoga Springs. Jordan Bloxham, in our ward, has a brother that is the head pro there and he got us on for free, if we made it out there in time for first tee. It was earlier, but just awesome! I didn't have a great game, but we had a lot of fun. I shot an 87 and Jordan shot a 77.

Well, I'm going to hop off now, Leslie is wondering when I'm coming to bed since it's getting kind of late. She will be heading up to Young Women's camp as the director this week. So it's just me and the cutie pants this week. I can't wait to spend some quality time with Aubrey, though I will really miss Les.

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